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Define What a Successful Blog Means to You

Black and white image of a quill in an ink jar

What is a “successful blog?” We all define success differently depending on the goals we each want to achieve. When it comes to blog success, it’s no different. Everyone starts blogging for different reasons, and each person has a different expectation of what he or she will get from the experience. I’ve loved writing since…

8 Easy Steps How To Create An Ebook From Your Blog Articles

Pages turning in a book article cover

Do you write blog posts on the same subject, or around the same theme? Would you like to create a product to offer as an opt-in or to sell on your website? I’d love to share with you one of the things I do for my clients to get more traction out of all the…

How to Build Thought Leadership With Content Marketing

Notebook with phone and pens on a desk

Thought leadership and content marketing go together like peanut butter and jelly. But while both terms are talked about all the time, many business owners still don’t understand how the two fit together to drive business results. Why? My guess is that the two are both difficult to understand in terms of measuring results. Both…

What Is Thought Leadership?

Inside an old automobile

The next time you’re reading something online, think about how you found it. Were you searching on Google? Reading an online magazine like Forbes or Fast Company? Maybe your friends on Facebook recommended an article to you, or you clicked a link on Twitter. Now, put yourself on the other side: How do think people…